Tuesday, May 8, 2012

reflection cover letter


        In my portfolio I picked the following pieces. “Analyzing a trend”, “This I believe”, “Application” essay, and “Profile” essays. I have picked these pieces of writing because I feel like these pieces are some of my best writing. In all of the pieces there is a significant change from the first draft into the second draft, which I wrote. I feel like the second drafts are good. With all the positive criticism that I got with all these pieces of writing, I made lots of changes to the second drafts and I feel like that the final drafts are the best that I have written.

        “Analyzing a trend” is a piece of writing that I had to include in the portfolio. If it wasn’t a requirement I think I would have still added it to the portfolio. It was an assignment that I found to be challenging, and it was something that I hadn’t done before. I think that my second draft is a good start to what can become something great. Although something’s might be unclear and the essay might be a little everywhere, I feel like I had made lots of changes to the essay to make it the best I could. I used to critique given to me and added as much of it as I could into the essay. I think that my trend was clear.

        In the assignment that we had to write the “profile essay” I feel like that I also did a good job with it. In the beginning I was a little unsure of who to write about, but I think that my second draft was a much better example of the writing. I am including this piece of writing in my portfolio because it was something that I enjoyed writing about and it was someone that is sentimental to me. I picked “someone you look up to” as the topic and my father to me is someone I look up to everyday of my life. Although it really wasn’t that interested to others I feel very strong about this and I bet people have parents that they look up to too.

        “Application essay” is another piece that I have included in my profile. The reason I picked it was because I feel that this is a very important paper.Me getting into a nursing program is very important for me. It is something I always wanted to do even when I was a little kid. So doing this paper was something I really liked doing because I way use this to applied to a nursing program. I understand that in my second draft I had a lot of miss spelling and other little minor errors. But I fixed all of that and I feel very confident about this piece.

        The last piece that I will include in my essay is “This I Believe” essay. This piece of writing is one that I really thought I had done a good job with. I think that family is the most important thing in life, and that is truly what I believe in. Even though my experience with the car and the flat tire. My brother didn’t hold our fight against me , family being the most important thing in life, I still feel like that the fact that my brother was there by my side, he was supportive even though it was my fault meant a lot to me. I used the comments that I received back from that essay and I made it better. Over all I feel like this was a good essay because it was something that I was interested in writing and I had a belief that I feel strongly for.

        The essays that I chose to put in the portfolio I believe are my best writings of the semesters. Also some of these were new to me; I never have writing some of these so it was interesting writing some of these essays. I feel like I did my best with the comments that I received on them to make the essays more appropriate to the assignment, and my final products are the best.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Analyzing a Trend 2nd draft


                The use of alcohol has changed dramatically over the years. Younger kids drink, just to be cool. Alcohol can cause tons of problems when it is over abused. Don’t get me wrong alcohol is ok to drink once in a while when you get together with friends and family but it’s not ok when you’re under age and drinking, and driving around like kids do today. What these young kids don’t know is that alcohol is a very serious matter because it can become addicting after drinking it for a while. Alcohol also destroys your liver, which you can die from it.

        I found this article that talk about alcohol and how younger kids are drinking, especially in the European countries. “Alcoholism is the cause of 7.5% of illness and premature death in the EU. For 15-29 year-olds, however, this proportion climbs to 10% for females and 25% for males. It is the leading cause of death for this age group. More than nine teenagers out of ten have drunk alcohol, beginning at the average age of 12 and a half, notes the document. "In addition to these direct risks, young people are often victims of the secondary effects of alcohol abuse," adds the European Youth Forum, including violence, driving while intoxicated and domestic violence.”

        The rates of deaths from alcohol are increasing every day. “Two out of 3 murders, 1 of 3 rapes, 1 out of 3 suicides, 2 out of 5 assaults, and 3 out of 5 cases of child abuse are connected to the use of alcohol. One out of 2 deaths by fire and drowning are alcohol related, as are 2 out of 5 home accidents. 25,000 American's die in alcohol related crashes every year, or 1 out of 2 fatalities. One out of 2 in-patients in our city hospitals are there because of an alcohol related problem and 40,000 young adults are disfigured by alcohol related car accidents each year.”

        You really don’t know what alcohol can do to you when you drink it because it depends on your body weight, height and couple of other things. But alcohol impairs your judgment. It affects your speech slurred, balance and coordination impaired, reflexes slowed, visual attention impaired, unstable emotions, nausea, vomiting.

        I think that a good solution to this problem would be to step up something up that cops and pull people over and check there alcohol level if they see any signs and even if they don’t see any signs that the person driving is drunk. For example is Portugal on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The cops are down the road from the club and they pull cars over and check to see if they have their licenses and that’s their cars are registered and also they do a breathalyzer test on them. I think that if we do that they would be scared to drink and drive that way we can reduce the number of death from people drinking and driving.

Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2006 Europolitics

Source Citation

"HEALTH : ACTION PLAN WILL ATTACK ALCOHOLISM AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE." European Social Policy (2006): 64835. Global Issues In Context. Web. 1 May 2012

Post write

I feel very strong about this essay. I really feel that alcohol is a very important thing and that minors shouldn’t be drinking if not 21. I feel like there should be more laws or more ways to prevent it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Analyzing a Trend 1 draft


                In this article it talks about alcohol and how younger kids are drinking, especially in the European countries. Alcohol is a very serious matter because it because addicting after drinking it for a while. Alcohol also destroys your liver, which you can die from it. “Alcoholism is the cause of 7.5% of illness and premature death in the EU. For 15-29 year-olds, however, this proportion climbs to 10% for females and 25% for males. It is the leading cause of death for this age group. More than nine teenagers out of ten have drunk alcohol, beginning at the average age of 12 and a half, notes the document. "In addition to these direct risks, young people are often victims of the secondary effects of alcohol abuse," adds the European Youth Forum, including violence, driving while intoxicated and domestic violence.”

            What the author is trying to do is to increase the number of kids drinking. Also the number of deaths cause from drinking. “Another key proposal was the document's suggestion for the creation of a zero-rate blood alcohol level in the EU for young and inexperienced drivers. This measure would also concern public transport and drivers of commercial vehicles, particularly those transporting hazardous substances. The Commission hoped with this measure to help slash the number of road deaths in Europe from 50,000 in 2000 to 25,000 by 2010. The communication also urged member states to set up a regulatory framework for blood alcohol testing and sanctions in the EU.”

Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2006 Europolitics

Source Citation

"HEALTH : ACTION PLAN WILL ATTACK ALCOHOLISM AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE." European Social Policy (2006): 64835. Global Issues In Context. Web. 1 May 2012

Post write

I know I need to write more but I just wanted to see how I would lie the topic. Also not really sure, if it’s the topic I want to do.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Annotating a Scholarly Article 2nd draft

Dougherty, Michael Brendan. "Fight of their lives: what anti-abortion activists can expect from an Obama administration." The American Conservative 8.1 (2009): 20+. Global Issues in Context. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.

                                                                        Krystal Bettencourt


            In this article he talks about abortions and how it was a major issue in 2008. How people should have the right to do what they want if they want it. Also talks how Barack Obama said that he would change extend to the modest legal protections pro-lifers.  Cardinal Francis Stafford said that Obama's "extremist anti-life platform ... is aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic." He summed up the dark mood of his fellow activists: "On November 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake."

                This article is about abortion and how Obama is trying to fight over FOCA. The author has shown both sides of each story, and how the bishop doesn’t want to allow abortions in hospitals. It also shows how abortions should be someone’s person’s choice, not anybody else’s. The author also shows a statistic “in a study published with the conservative Heritage Foundation, estimated that FOCA would result in approximately 125,000 more abortions performed annually.” By professor Michael.

Post write

I feel very strong about this paper because I feel that people should have the right to do what they want. It’s their choice if they want to have a kid or not.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Annotating a Scholarly Article 1 draft

Dougherty, Michael Brendan. "Fight of their lives: what anti-abortion activists can expect from an Obama administration." The American Conservative 8.1 (2009): 20+. Global Issues in Context. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
                                                                                                          Krystal Bettencourt

            In this article they talk about abortions and how it was a major issue in 2008. How people should have the right to do what they want if they want. Also how Barack Obama said that he would change extends to the modest legal protections pro-lifers.  Cardinal Francis Stafford said that Obama's "extremist anti-life platform ... is aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic." He summed up the dark mood of his fellow activists: "On November 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake."

                This article is just about abortion and how Obama is trying to fight over FOCA. The author has shown both sides of each story, on how the bishop don’t want to allow abortions in there hospitals. Also shows how abortions should be someone’s person’s choice, not anybody else’s. The author also shows a statistic “in a study published with the conservative Heritage Foundation, estimated that FOCA would result in approximately 125,000 more abortions performed annually.” By professor Michael.

Post write

I feel very strong about this paper because I feel that people should have the right to do what they want. It’s their choice if they want to have a kid or not.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

proposal second draft Obesity


Fast food restaurant are everywhere in todays society. People in today’s society rush so they hardly have time to prepare a meal. Back when our mothers were young food had to be prepared. Today my mother sometimes gets tired from work so we order out. I’m a student in college and sometimes I don’t have time to go home to eat before work, so I go to a fast food place for dinner. I’m not the only one; even the nurses at my job are always on the run.  Despite the convince, some fast food restaurants seem to be a good thing, but its killing us. Obesity is literally a growing problem in our society today.

       Every time we buy something from a fast food place or we buy something for our kids we need to think about what we are doing for our bodies and what we are setting  up for the future. There has been a dramatic increase of obesity rates. Obesity is the excess of body fat, which you get from eating fatty foods, which is mostly sold at fast food restaurants. When someone is obese or is overweight there are a lot of health complications that come along with that. “The statistics showed that more than 35% of U.S. adults (78 million people) are obese, defined as having a body mass index of 30% or greater. That is similar to the 2005-06 rates. Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared, the BMI is not a perfect measure of fatness but is still viewed as the gold standard in assessing population-wide trends.” Being overweight you are likely to have heart disease or have a stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder and gallstones, osteoporosis, gout, and also apnea is common for overweight people and asthma.

            Some people are naturally overweight. Some people it is genetic thing, but having fast food restaurants around them doesn’t help. Even for someone who is trying to lose weight, it is hard because all around you there are fast food places which has food you enjoy. Of course there are surgery’s that can be done to lose weight, but it is expensive and not everyone can do it. Also some people have family to take care of, and have work so they can’t afford to take time out of work.

            I think that in a community there should be less fast food restaurants. But then again there are some people who don’t care about their weight. There are a lot of things that people can do to lose weight for example gyms and zumba classes around the area and there are other programs. Some people just need someone to push them and tell that person that they can do it like give those pointers on how to accomplish their weight loss goals. Also I think that maybe they can make healthier food restaurants.

             A lot of people would benefit from this because everyone wants to have that perfect bodies, everyone wants to be healthy and live to see old age. I don’t think people would want to have all these heart problems at the age of 30, because they made bad decisions on what they are going to eat. I understand some people try to lose weight but then they give up because they don’t see results right away, but they can’t be like that because not everything happens so fast. But I think if they had a person to motivate them is would be different and they wouldn’t quit.

Post write

I feel very strong about this paper because obesity is a very big topic in today’s society.

How do you feel about obesity?

Monday, April 2, 2012

proposal first draft


Fast food restaurant are everywhere know a days. People know a day’s rush so they hardly have time to make food, or even make lunch.  It’s not like back then when women would stay home and makes food for their families.im a student in college and sometimes I don’t have time to go home to eat before work so I go to a fast food place to get food. Or even the nurses at my job, they are always on the run so they always grab something quick to eat. Even sometimes my mom is tired from work that she doesn’t want to cook so we order out sometimes. No matter what it is we are always getting food from fast food places. So fast food restaurants today’s world seem to be a good thing, but what we don’t realize is that it’s not good for our bodies and we are just spending money. Obesity is an increasing problem in our society today.

       Every time we buy something from a fast food place or we buy something for our kids we need to think about what we are doing for our bodies and what we are setting  up for the future. There has been a dramatic increase of obesity rates. Obesity is the excess of body fat, which you get from eating fatty foods, which is mostly sold at fast food restaurants. When someone is obsessed or is overweight there are a lot of health complications that come along with that. “The statistics showed that more than 35% of U.S. adults (78 million people) are obese, defined as having a body mass index of 30% or greater. That is similar to the 2005-06 rates. Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared, the BMI is not a perfect measure of fatness but is still viewed as the gold standard in assessing population-wide trends.” Being overweight you are likely to have heart disease or have a stroke, you are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder and gallstones, osteoporosis, gout, and also apnea is common for overweight people and asthma.

            Some people are naturally overweight. Some people it is genetic thing, but having fast food restaurants around them doesn’t help. Even for someone who is trying to lose weight, it is hard because all around you there are fast food places which has food you enjoy. Of course there are surgery’s that can be done to lose weight, but it is expensive and not everyone can do it. Also some people have family to take care of, and have work so they can’t afford to take time out of work.

            I think that in a community there should be less fast food restaurants. But then again there are some people who don’t care about their weight. There are a lot of things that people can do to lose weight for example gyms and zumba classes around the area and there are other programs. Some people just need someone to push them and tell that person that they can do it like give those pointers on how to accomplish their weight loss goals. Also I think that maybe they can make healthier food restaurants.

             A lot of people would benefit from this because everyone wants to have that perfect bodies, everyone wants to be healthy and live to see old age. I don’t think people would want to have all these heart problems at the age of 30, because they made bad decisions on what they are going to eat.  Yeah people try to lose weight but then they give up because they don’t see results right away, but they can’t be like that because not everything happens so fast. But I think if they had a person to motivate them is would be different and they wouldn’t quit.

Post write

I feel very strong about this paper because obesity is a very big issue.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

profile 2nd draft

Krystal Bettencourt

The Person I look up to.

            Throughout life people go through experiences. Yeah some are planned and carefully organized, but some happen because it’s meant to happen. But some stick with us and some we live and learn from. A Portuguese man, that came here from the Azores’ that didn’t know much English. That is a hard worker, respectful, kind, brave, and loving is the person I look up to, my dad.

        Ever since I could remember my dad has worked is but off for everything he has to day. He said “I have been working since the age of 16; I never went to school your grandfather had me working with the cows and in the fields planting food.” And I believe what he says because my grandmother used to tell me stories. My father never stops he’s always doing something. The thing he says all the time is “As long as I can do it, I will do it.

         Even though my father wasn’t here legally he still worked. He would do side job for people he knew after work or even on the weekends. I use to get upset because my brother and I would hardly see my father because he would always be working. But then he got married to my mother and he became legal here in the United States.

        After being here for so long and working so hard like he does my father has his own business. He does construction. He does everything; well to me I think so. He can build a house, he does concrete, and he always has his own plowing business to for the snow.

        One day my dad was working and was cutting wood on a table saw and he cut his finger. My is so brave that he tied cloth around his finger and took himself to the ER. When he got there the doctor said that he was crazy bringing himself. My father cut his middle finger and half of it was hanging off. But not once did I see my father cry. But I was crying because I was nervous and scared and I will never forget what my dad told me he said “Krystal don’t worry dad is fine this is nothing, it’s just a little thing, I’ll be back to work in a few days.” And he was right, not even week goes by and there’s my dad at work with his workers.

        Not once didn’t I ever here him complain about anything. He never complained about his finger hurting or how his finger never went back to normal. Till this day he doesn’t complain. He was always positive about everything. He never lets anything get to him just like he said “In one ear out the other”. This man is brave, loving, respectful, hard worker, and had a lot of courage. This is why my father is the person I look up too and I’m not ashamed to say it.

post write
didnt really know what needed work on because didnt get my peer review.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Profile first draft and post write

Krystal Bettencourt

The Person I look up to.

            Throughout life people go through experiences. Yeah some are planned and carefully organized, but some happen because it’s meant to happen. But some stick with us and some we live and learn from. A Portuguese man, that came here from the Azores’ that didn’t know much English. That is a hard worker, respectful, kind, brave, and loving is the person I look up to, my dad.

        Ever since I could remember my dad has worked is but off for everything he has to day. He said “I have been working since the age of 16; I never went to school your grandfather had me working with the cows and in the fields planting food.” And I believe what he says because my grandmother used to tell me stories. My father never stops he’s always doing something. The thing he says all the time is “As long as I can do it, I will do it.

         Even though my father wasn’t here legally he still worked. He would do side job for people he knew after work or even on the weekends. I use to get upset because my brother and I would hardly see my father because he would always be working. But then he got married to my mother and he became legal here in the United States.

        After being here for so long and working so hard like he does my father has his own business. He does construction. He does everything; well to me I think so. He can build a house, he does concrete, and he always has his own plowing business to for the snow.

        One day my dad was working and was cutting wood on a table saw and he cut his finger. My is so brave that he tied cloth around his finger and took himself to the ER. When he got there the doctor said that he was crazy bringing himself. My father cut his middle finger and half of it was hanging off. But not once did I see my father cry. But I was crying because I was nervous and scared and I will never forget what my dad told me he said “Krystal don’t worry dad is fine this is nothing, it’s just a little thing, I’ll be back to work in a few days.” And he was right, not even week goes by and there’s my dad at work with his workers.

        Not once didn’t I ever here him complain about anything. He never complained about his finger hurting or how his finger never went back to normal. Till this day he doesn’t complain. He was always positive about everything. He never lets anything get to him just like he said “In one ear out the other”. This man is brave, loving, respectful, hard worker, and had a lot of courage. This is why my father is the person I look up too and I’m not ashamed to say it.

Post Write
I feel very strong about this piece of work because my father is someone special to me. There is no one who can compare to him. He is one person I can look up to because he came here with nothing and now has his own business and is doing well for himself and his family.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

application essay 2nd draft and post write

Question: Write about anything.
school: umass lowell


            Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a nurse. It has always been a dream of mine.  Even though being a nurse is a lot of reasonability, I think I would make a great nurse. I love and enjoy working with people and helping all those in need and I know that I can resume all responsibilities of being a nurse because I am a fun , loving , patient , understanding , caring , person , and most important a good listener.

            There are a lot of ways of being caring. I think being caring is important. For Example: When you show someone that you care it makes people look at you different and the person may open up to you more and feel more comfortable with you. I had a resident at work once who was having a difficult time breathing, I knew she was having a panic attic, so I sat on the side of her bed and talked to her and explained to her that everything was going to be okay and that she had to relax, I also explained that it was easier said than done but that I was there and that she was she would be fine and after 20 min. she was she was and she was grateful that I cared and she thanked me.           

             I’m very patient I think because when I work at a day care I would have infants that would cry all the time. I didn’t let that get to me, because I look at kids as that’s the only way they know how to tell us when something wrong. Some infants are sick, and cranky, and some are just like that all the time. You just have to know that there trying to let us no something and we have to do the best we can to comfort them. For example: When I was working with my residences and I had one lady who just kept on putting on the call light for every little thing. But I didn’t let her get to me. I just asked her what she needed, and helped her out.

            Being a quick reactor is always very important. You should be able to react to something when it happens. If you are the type of person who can’t react right away then I don’t think you should be a nurse. If you had a patient come into the hospital that was in critical condition you must react fast, because that patient’s life can depend on how fast you move.

            I’m a very quick reactor. One day I was at my father’s  house with my older brother, I saw that my father wasn’t looking  well , but when I asked him he said he was fine. All of a sudden he fell face first on the floor. My brother started screaming; I turned my dad over and checked if he was breathing. After that I tried waking him, I put a cold towel on his forehead. He started to wake up, and the ambulance came. When he went to the hospital they said he was having the beginning of a heart attack.

            Being a nurse to me is very important. I will make a great nurse because I’m caring, patient, a quick reactor, and loving. I think the main reason I want to be a nurse is because I love helping people and I love feeling appreciated. Also when my grandfather was really sick I was in the hospital for about a week. And I saw the nurses and how wonderful they treated my grandfather just made me want to be just like them. I know that it’s going to a challenge but if I put my mind to it I will be perfectly fine.

Post write

I think my essay is very good. i explaned why i should be a nurse and gave examples.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

application essay 1st draft

Question: Write about anything.
            Ever since I can remember, I always wanted to become a nurse. It has always been a dream of mine and still is.  Even though being a nurse is a lot of reasonability, I think I would make a great nurse. I love working with people and helping all those in need. I think that I for fill all qualifications of being a nurse. To be a nurse I think you should be caring, patient, loving, and understanding to patient needs. These are some reasons why I think I would be a great nurse.
            There are a lot of ways of being caring. I think being caring is important because when you show that you care it makes people look at you different. There is one incident in which I thought I was being caring. One day I was at work taking care of my residents, and one resident was down and crying. I sat down and talked to her for a half hour, me sitting there and listening to her made her feel a lot better and it made me happy to no , that me just being there and listening made her feel grateful and happy. Another way I’m caring is when my little sister was playing outside and fell off her bike, I ran over to her, and showed her little TLC. That is tender, love, and care.
            Being patient is also important to me. You should be patient because there are always patients in the hospital that are rude and disrespectful, but what some people don’t know is that there is a reason there acting that way, it  could be because there in pain or just lonely, sometimes it because there scared to say whats wrong with them or they think we just don’t care or no one will listen to them,or we won’t understand. It can even be a little kid who asks question or a kid who is always crying. That’s when you should have patient.
             I’m very patient I think because when I work at a day care I would have infants that would cry all the time. I didn’t let that get to me, because I look at kids as that’s the only way they know how to tell us when something wrong. Some infants are sick, and cranky, and some are just like that all the time. You just have to know that there trying to let us no something, and we have to do the best we can to comfort them.  Another incident I had was when I was working with my residences and I had one lady who just kept on putting on the call light for every little thing. But I didn’t let her get to me. I just asked her what she needed, and helped her out.
            Being a quick reactor is always very important. You should be able to react to something when it happens. If you are the type of person who can’t react right away then I don’t think you should be a nurse. If you had a patient come into the hospital that was in critical condition you must react fast, because that patient’s life can depend on how fast you move.
            I’m a very quick reactor. One day I was at my dad’s house with my older brother. I saw that my dad wasn’t looking very well, but when I asked him he said he was fine. All of a sudden he fell face first on the floor. My brother started screaming and freaking out, but me. I turned my dad over and checked if he was breathing. After that I tried waking him, I put a cold towel on his forehead. He started to wake up, and the ambulance came. When he went to the hospital they said he was having a beginning of a heart attack.
        Being a nurse to me is very important. I will make a great nurse because I’m caring, patient, a quick reactor, and loving. I think the main reason I want to be a nurse is because I love helping people and I love feeling appreciated. Also when my grandfather was really sick I was in the hospital for about a week. And I saw the nurses and how wonderful they treated my grandfather just made me want to be just like them. I know that’s it’s going to a challenge but if I put my mind to it I will be perfectly fine.

Post write

I think my essay is very good I gave example of how I was caring, patient and a loving.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

this a believe 2nd draft

Family over Friends

            I believe in family over friends. Everyone has friends. They might be people you have known for your whole life or just a couple of months, or even people you look up to. Friends are people who you share a common interest with and people who you share memories with. They are people who you can talk to about problems or can help you when you need something. Friends are usually people who you can count on, right?

            On a cold winter day I was having dinner at my brother’s house. Mt brother and I got into a fight, and I stormed out of his house. I was so aggravated that I was driving like a nut. I wasn’t paying attention to the road and had tears coming down my face. On top of that it was pouring rain out. I could hardly see the road. So I was driving to my friend’s house, and all of a sudden I heard a big POP. I pulled over and got out of my car, went to look and I had a flat tire.  So I called my friend so that he could help me because it was dark out and raining. When I told him what happened he laughed and hung up the phone on my face. This was when I realized that I couldn’t count on friends, but that I could count on my family.

            So, I call my brother that I just got into a fight with. I explained to him what had happened, and he told me that he was on his way. It took him no less than 15 minutes to get there, and he helped me out. We removed the tire and put the spare tire. At first I thought that it was going to be weird between us because we just got into a fight, but it wasn’t. It was like we weren’t even mad at each other. That to me proved that there’s a much stronger relationship with family, and that they are more reliable than friends.

            I learned that day, that there are no such things as friends but acquaintances. But there will always be family. They are the ones who you can count one. There’re the ones who you could get into a fight with and they would still help you out. Families are the ones that you should trust, and the ones that won’t lie to you like your friends do. Families are the ones who show up at the hospital when you’re hurt or if you’re sick. Families are the ones who give you unconditional love. Family to me is important, and I don’t know who or where I would be without them.

I believe in family over friends.

post write
I think my paper is good. i believe that i put all the requirments that were on the checklist.

Monday, February 6, 2012

this i believe and post write 1 draft

Family over Friends

            I believe in family over friends. Everyone has friends. They might be people you have known for your whole life or just a couple of months, or even people you look up to. Friends are people who you share a common interest with and people who you share memories with. They are people who you can talk to about problems or can help you when you need something. Friends are usually people who you can count on, right?

            On a cold winter day I was having dinner at my brother’s house. Mt brother and I got into a fight, and I stormed out of his house. I was so aggravated that I was driving like a nut. I wasn’t paying attention to the road and had tears coming down my face. On top of that it was pouring rain out. I could hardly see the road. So I was driving to my friend’s house, and all of a sudden I heard a big POP. I pulled over and got out of my car, went to look and I had a flat tire.  So I called my friend so that he could help me because it was dark out and raining. When I told him what happened he laughed and hung up the phone on my face. This was when I realized that I couldn’t count on friends, but that I could count on my family.

            So what do I do, I call my brother that I just got into a fight with. I explained to him what had happened, and he told me that he was on his way. It took him no less than 15 minutes to get there, and he helped me out. We removed the tire and put the spare tire. At first I thought that it was going to be weird between us because we just got into a fight, but it wasn’t. It was like we weren’t even mad at each other. That to me proved that there’s a much stronger relationship with family and that they are more reliable than friends.

            I learned that day, that there are no such things as friends but acquaintances. But there will always be family. They are the ones who you can count one. There’re the ones who you could get into a fight with and they would still help you out. Families are the ones that you should trust, and the ones that won’t lie to you like your friends do. Families are the ones who show up at the hospital when you’re hurt or if you’re sick. Families are the ones who give you unconditional love. Family to me is important, and I don’t know who or where I would be without them.

I believe in family over friends.

post write
I don't know if I should 've started my opening paragraph talking about friends or if I should start it by talking about family.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Diagnostic Essay

     Technology  today is very advanced and it keeps on advancing throw out the years. Everyone uses it in there daily life. Either it’s a cell phone, a laptop, I-pad or any other technology. There are some people in the world that cant go without . Although technology is important and helps us a lot, there are some down falls. Not all technology is reliable and it doesn’t last for every.
    I don’t think I could be in a school that didn’t have books. I think having books are better than have electronics devices . First of all they are expensive, and not only that if it breaks on you then you wouldn’t have books for class.  Or even some people don’t have money to be buy these devices. Also you would have to spend more money on fixing it or even buying a new one.  With those devices books don’t come free you have to buy them which that is more money out of your pocket. Another thing is after you graduate what are you going to do with all those book on your device, I wouldn’t want then on there taking up space.
    Even thought technology is in and everyone uses it I still think books are better. In order to use most electronic device you need internet, and internet isn’t always reliable. Sometime internet is down for couple of minutes or it can be down for a couples of days. But if you have books they are always there 24/7. It’s a reliable source. It also has things that aren’t even on the internet. To me, if I had an electronic device I think I would be on face book rather than paying attention to the teacher. Also when I look at a computer screen for a while, the light starts to hurt my eyes.
    I think that if people back in the day didn’t have technology like we do today and they did fine with just books then we can to. Yeah its good that we have computers and other high tech. things but I don’t think we should change the way we learn. Books are very helpful even more helpful than the internet.