Monday, April 16, 2012

Annotating a Scholarly Article 1 draft

Dougherty, Michael Brendan. "Fight of their lives: what anti-abortion activists can expect from an Obama administration." The American Conservative 8.1 (2009): 20+. Global Issues in Context. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
                                                                                                          Krystal Bettencourt

            In this article they talk about abortions and how it was a major issue in 2008. How people should have the right to do what they want if they want. Also how Barack Obama said that he would change extends to the modest legal protections pro-lifers.  Cardinal Francis Stafford said that Obama's "extremist anti-life platform ... is aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic." He summed up the dark mood of his fellow activists: "On November 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake."

                This article is just about abortion and how Obama is trying to fight over FOCA. The author has shown both sides of each story, on how the bishop don’t want to allow abortions in there hospitals. Also shows how abortions should be someone’s person’s choice, not anybody else’s. The author also shows a statistic “in a study published with the conservative Heritage Foundation, estimated that FOCA would result in approximately 125,000 more abortions performed annually.” By professor Michael.

Post write

I feel very strong about this paper because I feel that people should have the right to do what they want. It’s their choice if they want to have a kid or not.

1 comment:

  1. Peer Review Reading Journal
    During our writing workshops, you’ll be working with a “critical partner,” someone who will read your work seriously and offer constructive comments. Please offer your response to your partner’s draft, using this template as a guide (you may add responses not prompted here as well). On the last day of the workshop, I’d like you to bring one hard copy to class and post another copy on your partner’s blog. As with the Textbook Reading Journal, I’ll be grading your work according to the following criteria:
    • Appropriateness to the question
    • Relevance and precision of detail from the reading
    • Fullness of your response
    • Depth of insights
    Thanks for agreeing to help a classmate and for being a respectful reader.

    Reviewer’s Name: Nina Blythe
    Date: April 17, 2012
    Partner’s Name and Title of Paper Reviewed: Krystal Bettencourt - Abortion

    In your own words, fully and with precision, describe what the assignment is asking the writer (your partner) to do? Please use your own words rather than merely quote from the assignment.
    She was asked to write an annotation on a scholarly article using MLA format, and briefly summarize what the article said and create a post write talking about how she felt about the article she read.

    To what extent has your partner met the expectations of the assignment? Please pick a passage as illustration and describe what works well there. Again, try to use your own words.
    In this article they talk about abortions and how it was a major issue in 2008. How people should have the right to do what they want if they want. Also how Barack Obama said that he would change extends to the modest legal protections pro-lifers. Cardinal Francis Stafford said that Obama's "extremist anti-life platform ... is aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic." He summed up the dark mood of his fellow activists: "On November 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake."
    Aside from some minor grammar and spelling errors, I think this is a great paragraph. She states and summarizes what her article was about and gives quotes within in the paragraph.

    What area needs more work? Why? Please pick a passage as illustration and describe what isn’t working.
    This article is just about abortion and how Obama is trying to fight over FOCA. The author has shown both sides of each story, on how the bishop don’t want to allow abortions in there hospitals. Also shows how abortions should be someone’s person’s choice, not anybody else’s. The author also shows a statistic “in a study published with the conservative Heritage Foundation, estimated that FOCA would result in approximately 125,000 more abortions performed annually.” By Professor Michael.
    There are a lot of small errors within this paragraph that need work; I think more detail would be great in better understanding this annotation and give the article a title and some clear and specific details.

    Please indicate TWO questions about the draft and at least ONE suggestion for ways to improve it.
    What exactly was this article about make it a little more clear in your annotation.
    Why don’t you use more examples and quotes?
    Fix your errors and this will be great!
