Monday, February 6, 2012

this i believe and post write 1 draft

Family over Friends

            I believe in family over friends. Everyone has friends. They might be people you have known for your whole life or just a couple of months, or even people you look up to. Friends are people who you share a common interest with and people who you share memories with. They are people who you can talk to about problems or can help you when you need something. Friends are usually people who you can count on, right?

            On a cold winter day I was having dinner at my brother’s house. Mt brother and I got into a fight, and I stormed out of his house. I was so aggravated that I was driving like a nut. I wasn’t paying attention to the road and had tears coming down my face. On top of that it was pouring rain out. I could hardly see the road. So I was driving to my friend’s house, and all of a sudden I heard a big POP. I pulled over and got out of my car, went to look and I had a flat tire.  So I called my friend so that he could help me because it was dark out and raining. When I told him what happened he laughed and hung up the phone on my face. This was when I realized that I couldn’t count on friends, but that I could count on my family.

            So what do I do, I call my brother that I just got into a fight with. I explained to him what had happened, and he told me that he was on his way. It took him no less than 15 minutes to get there, and he helped me out. We removed the tire and put the spare tire. At first I thought that it was going to be weird between us because we just got into a fight, but it wasn’t. It was like we weren’t even mad at each other. That to me proved that there’s a much stronger relationship with family and that they are more reliable than friends.

            I learned that day, that there are no such things as friends but acquaintances. But there will always be family. They are the ones who you can count one. There’re the ones who you could get into a fight with and they would still help you out. Families are the ones that you should trust, and the ones that won’t lie to you like your friends do. Families are the ones who show up at the hospital when you’re hurt or if you’re sick. Families are the ones who give you unconditional love. Family to me is important, and I don’t know who or where I would be without them.

I believe in family over friends.

post write
I don't know if I should 've started my opening paragraph talking about friends or if I should start it by talking about family.

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